Utilities for Informatica MDM
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Oracle SQL Script to Rename a Column in an Informatica MDM Base Object

This SQL script allows user to rename a column in an Informatica MDM Hub base object. It renames columns in MDM Hub database tables and views and accordingly updates custom stored database procedures and packages, synonyms, materialized views and other database objects dependent on renamed database objects. It also accordingly updates ORS repository - renames column names in MDM Hub base object and auxiliary tables and in MDM Hub queries and packages, updates validation rules, business entity (formerly composite object) configuration, and other MDM Hub objects. In the end, ORS repository validation status will not be negatively affected; no new validation errors should be detected after ORS repository is validated.

The script does not update IDD applications tied to the ORS where base object column was renamed; however, it provides user with SQL queries that can be executed in the master database (usually named CMX_SYSTEM) to determine which IDD applications and other IDD articles (search queries, export profiles) use the renamed BO column and therefore may need to be manually updated.

The script can be run only in an Oracle database and therefore can only work with an Informatica MDM Hub installation that uses Oracle Database.

The script can be executed only by the owner of the ORS schema whose base object column is to be renamed.

The script requires a table name, a current and a new column names to be provided as arguments. A command line to execute the script should look like this:


-END argument is required and must be the last one; it indicates the end of supplied arguments.

Other optional parameters are supported. To see a list of all supported arguments, execute the script with an -H or --help argument; in that case, the -END argument is not required.

It is strongly recommended to first test the script in a test or development environment.

Look here for important information about BSUtils.com SQL scripts.


Download "rename-BO-column.sql" file
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