Utilities for Informatica MDM
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Oracle SQL Script to Copy Informatica MDM Cleanse Function

This SQL script allows user to make a copy of an Informatica MDM Hub cleanse function in the same ORS (sort of a "Save as ..." functionality), in the same or in a different cleanse function library. It can be used when creating a cleanse function that is similar to an existing one, with the purpose of making further changes to it. It may also be useful during development a of complex cleanse function as it allows user to save it in its current state before making more changes.

Cleanse functions of type Graph, Regular Expression, and Cleanse List can be copied.

The script can be run only in an Oracle database and therefore can only work with an Informatica MDM Hub installation that uses Oracle Database.

The script works with tables and other database objects in the current database schema. If login user is not the owner of the ORS schema whose cleanse function needs to be copied, current schema must be changed with an ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=... statement; in that case, login user must have necessary database privileges to read and modify MDM ORS repository tables in the target schema.

Only the saved state of cleanse function is copied!

The name of a cleanse function to be copied is the first required argument for the script. Also required is a name for the copy (after a -TF keyword) and/or the name of a target cleanse function library (after a -TL keyword) in which a copy is to be saved. A command line to execute the script can look like this:

@copy-cleanse-function Cleanse_Phone_Number -TF "Cleanse Phone - from Sept 12" -END

or like this:

@copy-cleanse-function Cleanse_Phone_Number -TL "Utilities" -END

-END argument is required and must be the last one; it indicates the end of supplied arguments.

The name of cleanse function library in which the source function resides can also be required if cleanse functions with the given name exist in more that one library. Other optional parameters are supported. To see a list of all supported arguments, execute the script with an -H or --help argument; in that case, the -END argument is not required.

It is strongly recommended to first test the script in a test or development environment.

Look here for important information about BSUtils.com SQL scripts.


Download "copy-cleanse-function.sql" file
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in a browser tab, use the "Save link as" or a similar browser right-click menu option.
To save a file opened in a browser tab, use the "Save as..." menu option.